
Christmas Is Stinky!

The its bitsy aby,
The teesie weensie aby,
Dirtying his diapies,
Till Mommy runs out of wipies,

Naughty naughty aby,
You sneaky little aby,
Mommy grabs the diapey,
The stinky stinky diapey

Then she puts it on you,
The one that’s filled with poo,
You’ll sit in that diapey,
Cause mommy ran out of wipies

Stop whining and stinking the house,
Before mommy puts a binkie in that mouth!

Maybe next time you abdl phone sex abbies won’t try and be so sneaky! Mommy Candy can’t buy you any Christmas presents if she keeps having to spend all her money on wipes because her aby won’t stop making poopies! Happy holidays my diaper phone sex lovers!




Remember A Souilder Today

Memorial Day
Of every year
The little valiant
Flags appear
On every fallen
Soldier's grave--
Symbol of what
Each died to save.
And we who see
And still have breath--
Are we no wiser
For their death?

Love Mommy Candy



Be Mommy's Valentine

Valentines Day Comments and Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook

Mommy Candy would just love it if you would be my Valentine Baby?
I love taking care of Aby and changing dirty diapers.  I have baby bottles and binky's in pink and blue, plastic pants and panties and onsies too.  From rattles to blankets and footsies jammies too, Mommy loves taking care of babies just like YOU1




They spend hours in there.
They have not a care.
The water chills their skin,
But no happier have they been.

My little ones they splish and they splash.
Oh oh here comes the glass of water, I make a mad dash.
Oops too late, the floor is soaking wet.
Oh well, I am sure she had fun doing it.

They spend hours in there.
They have not a care.
The water chills their skin,
But no happier have they been.

My little ones they splish and they splash.
Oh oh here comes the glass of water, I make a mad dash.
Oops too late, the floor is soaking wet.
Oh well, I am sure she had fun doing it.


Happy New Year!

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.

Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives,
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.

And when I ponder those who do,
I immediately think of you.

Thanks for being one of the reasons l’ll have a Happy New Year!


Santa Sighting

Isn't it the strangest thing,
That Santa is so shy?
And we can never catch him,
No matter how we try.
It isn't any use to watch,
Because my parents said:
"Santa Claus will only come
When children are in bed!"
Mommy Candy
1 888 430-2010


Fa La La La



Thanksgiving comes on Thursday
by the president's decree.
But Friday, good old Friday
is Thanksgiving Day for me.
There's lots to eat on Thursday,
just heaps and piles of stuff,
but mother always worries
for fear there's not enough.
So many folks for dinner,
she's sure that some will starve
and whispers to my father,
"Be careful how you carve."
And as for me, she warns me,
I've heard it all before,
"No matter what we pass,
you don't ask for any more."

But Friday, one day after,
she doesn't feel that way.
I've heard it all so often,
I know she's going to say,
"Whoever would have guessed it,
to see those people eat,
that on this turkeys carcass
there'd be left a shred of meat?
I thought before they finished
we should have to cook it's mate,
but there's quite a lot left over.
Come, Willie, pass your plate."
Thanksgiving may be Thursday
by the president's decree,
but Friday, oh boy,Friday,
is Thanksgiving Day for me.

And it isn't only turkey
for there's nuts and fruit and pie,
and no one counting noses
with a watchful worried eye.
There's joy in every closet,
a surprise on every shelf,
and only gentle warnings
if I go and help myself.
There's candy in a box upstairs,
and in the shed a jug,
with just enough of apple juice
to make it go ker-chung!
Thanksgiving may be Thursday,
if you're eating as a guest,
but I give thanks for Friday,
for home folks, that's the best.
Author Unknown

Mommy Candy
1 888 430-2010


Come to the Party


Haunted House

There's a house upon the hilltop
We will not go inside
For that is where the witches live,
Where ghosts and goblins hide.

Tonight they have their party,
All the lights are burning bright,
But oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.

The demons there are whirling
And the spirits swirl about.
They sing their songs to Halloween.
Come join the fun," they shout.

But we do not want to go there
So we run with all our might
And oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.


Frightful Time Of Year


Toddlers Rules Of Possesions



This has been my favorite blankie,
Since the day that I was born.
Even though it's dirty, thin and frayed,
And just a little torn.

Mommy tries to coax me,
To let her wash out all the grime,
But I sneak it out from the laundry,
Just in the knick of time!

Saved from suds at least for now,
it goes everywhere with me.
It has my smell and the feel I love,
It's my bedtime security.

Someday I will be brave enough,
To give my cherished blankie away.
Then you'll say how big I am,
And how that will be such a great day!

Long after I have grown up,
in my scrapbook I will see,
Pictures of that treasured blanket,
that was so special to me!
Author: Tammy Anderson
1 888 430-2010


Special Birthday Girl

Look at the pretty little Birthday panties Mommy found for my sweet little Baby Girl Amber.  This Sunday is Ambers first Birthday and Mommy has a special day planned.  Mommy has invited everyone we know and hired caterers and clowns and the biggest cake ever!  Everyone will know who the birthday girl is…just look at her bottom….lol

Mommy Candy
1 888 430-2010


Little Helper

Mommy’s Little Helper
I like to help my Mommy
By messing up the floors.
If I didn’t do this
Then she would have no chores
And if she had no chores to do
Then she would be quite sad.
So I am really being helpful
Every time that I am bad!

Mommy Candy
1 888 430-2010


Eat, Drink and Be Messy

Eat, Drink and Be Messy

Once, upon a thyme leaf,
There lived a lazy snail,
Who munched and dozed, and dozed and munched,
On thyme he breakfasted and lunched,
And when it came to half past nine,
He chose once more to dine on thyme.
Later, upon the thyme leaf,
Was a rather plumper snail.
But, reader dear, his life was brief,
For this is no fairy tale.
He ate more and more, and grew fatter and fatter
Until one day he exploded, bang, splat, splatter.
One minute he was there,
The next he'd gone.
The coroner's verdict
'A snail thyme bomb'.
 Mommy Candy
1 888 430-2010


Baby Bath

A Babies Bath

Author: Unknown
A baby in a tub is a beautiful site to see,
She giggles and she laughs while
you make her clean as can be!

She throws bubbles in your face,
Having oh, so much fun!
A baby in a bath is good times - homespun!

She splashes in the water with such delight,
While you count each precious little finger and toe,
A drop of water drips onto her face,
Causing her to crinkle up that beautiful little nose!

When splash time is over you pick her up,
You wrap her tightly in a towel,
She releases a big hiccup!

You hug her oh so gently,
Pat her down until she's dry,
She smells so fresh, so clean,
It makes you want to cry!

For baby days go by so fast,
She's growing everyday,
Now all you find yourself wanting to do,
Is keep her out of harm's way.

Next thing you know she's all grown up,
She now has a life of her own,
You dig out all the baby pictures and just
hope and pray that you have sown....

Sown good seeds in her heart and mind,
So that as her life moves on she will be able to find...
The happiness, the contentment,
The peace she once knew,
Back when she was a baby in a bath,
At about age 2!


Memorial Day

Glitter Graphics

No matter how your family celebrates this day I hope its filled with love, friends and family.  Lets remember the heroes who have given their lives for our freedom.

1 888 430-2010


Strawberry Baby


Mommy Candy
1 888 430-2010


Little Red Riding Hood

Almost too late, Little Red Riding Hood realized that the person in the bed was not her Grandmother, but a hungry wolf.
She ran across the room and through the door, shouting, "Help!  Wolf!" as loudly as she could.
A woodsman who was chopping logs nearby heard her cry and ran towards the cottage as fast as he could.
He grabbed the wolf and made him spit out the poor Grandmother who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece.
"Oh Grandma, I was so scared!"  sobbed Little Red Riding Hood, "I'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest again."
"There, there, child.  You've learned an important lesson.  Thank goodness you shouted loud enough for this kind woodsman to hear you!"
The woodsman knocked out the wolf and carried him deep into the forest where he wouldn't bother people any longer.
Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and a long chat.